Archive for April, 2015

Syntheism Now! – 04.30.15

Expanding Mind

A lively talk with religious philosopher Alexander Bard about network metaphysics, psychedelic spirituality, digital narcissism, and his book (with Jan Söderqvist) Syntheism: Creating God in the Internet Age.

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Expanding Mind
Check Out Erik Davis’ website

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Anomaly Radio Network

Defending My Rights and Cussing Out a Chino Cop

Listen to the latest Bad Cop News roundup with COP BLOCK

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Anomaly Radio Network

San Jose Police Officer Becomes a Victim of the War On Drugs

Listen to the latest Bad Cop News roundup with COP BLOCK

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Anomaly Radio Network

4/28/15 Brad Hoff

Brad Hoff, Managing Editor of Levant Report and a former Marine, discusses how his experience living in Syria for several years differs from the Western media’s portrayal of the country as a hotbed of anti-Christian extremism.


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Anomaly Radio Network

Police Praise Video First; Now Silent as Witnesses Question Official Story (UPDATE)

Listen to the latest Bad Cop News roundup with COP BLOCK

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Cop BlockPodcast | Cop Block

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Anomaly Radio Network

4/27/15 Patrick Cockburn

Patrick Cockburn, a Middle East correspondent for The Independent, discusses Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen that is worsening the “extraordinary man-made disaster,” as 12 million Yemenis face starvation.


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Anomaly Radio Network

Today’s show: Patrick Cockburn 12-2 eastern

Today’s show: Patrick Cockburn 12-2 eastern time


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Anomaly Radio Network

Stop the Wars on Drugs & Terrorism (video)

The Future of Freedom Foundation has posted the videos of Radley Balko, Glenn Greenwald and Ron Paul from the Stop the Wars on Drugs and Terrorism conference two weeks ago here in Austin. Check em out here.


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Anomaly Radio Network

Batman Shooting Court Coverage: Joker-Shooter James Holmes was “sought-after neuroscientist-in-training”

AP Photo

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (AP) — James Holmes was growing volatile well before he put on a gas mask and body armor, strapped on a rifle, shotgun, pistol and ammunition, and slipped into a midnight premiere of the Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises.”

He was a sought-after neuroscientist-in-training, but he was falling apart. He told a classmate he wanted to kill people, prosecutors say. He fell out of favor with his professors, who suggested he find a new career. He stopped seeing his psychiatrist, then sent her text messages so threatening that she alerted University of Colorado campus police. He even mailed her his journal, in a package with burned $20 bills.

Months before Holmes opened fire on the audience on July 20, 2012, killing 12 and injuring 70 more in one of America’s deadliest mass shootings, the 24-year-old doctoral student was preparing for violence.

He stockpiled weapons, ammunition, tear gas grenades and riot gear, and rigged his apartment to become a potentially lethal booby trap, cranking techno music in an apparent attempt to lure someone into opening his door. One neighbor who came to complain narrowly avoided a fiery explosion by walking away.

Many observers hope Holmes’ death penalty trial beginning Monday will finally show what twisted a seemingly dedicated scholar into a sadistic killer. Prosecutors have suggested he was angry over his academic decline. But anyone looking for a trigger or tipping point with mass killers is usually disappointed, said J. Reid Meloy, a forensic psychiatrist at the University of California, San Diego.

“There’s no such thing as someone snapping,” said Meloy, who is not involved in the Holmes case. “What we know now is that even if a person is psychotic, they can still plan and methodically go about the preparations to carry out a mass murder.”

Source: News from The Associated Press

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Anomaly News Syndicate

The Mind Set Podcast: Episode 235

Check out the latest MindSet episode and other great podcasts at…

A weekly attempt at opening eyes, and trying to shed some light on what’s really going on in the world. All done by ripping apart the media madness that masquerades as news. All with a health dose of paranoia.

Hosted this week by Gareth Davies, Alex Fate, and Joe Dunn

Some of the topics discussed on this weeks show:

1. Crisis Actors

2. Vatican terror plot

3. The Expanding Earth

4. Angelina Jolie Blasts UN for Inaction in Syria

And so much more!

Until Next Week, Peace Out Humans…

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Anomaly Radio Network