Check out the Audio Archive of the … 


You'll hear Guest Adam Gorightly as well as calls from Mack White and Greg Bishop.

We talked about Consciousness, Psychedelics, UFOs and  Contactees like Philip K. Dick, Robert Anton Wilson and John C. Lilly. Gorightly talked about his three books: Shadow Over Santa Susanna, The Prankster and the Conspiracy as well as his most recent tome, The Beast of Adam Gorightly – Collected Rantings '92 to '04.

Gorightly also educated us about another connection for explaining the name of our show … The Blue Rose Report. Seems there is a Contactee saucer cult leader, the Rev. Bob Short who founded The Blue Rose Ministry and ministered for years out at the Giant Rock, Joshua Tree, Landers, California vortex with some of the original 50s / 60s Contactees.